Source code for skpy.user

from datetime import datetime

from .core import SkypeObj, SkypeObjs, SkypeEnum, SkypeApiException
from .util import SkypeUtils
from .conn import SkypeConnection
from .chat import SkypeSingleChat

[docs]@SkypeUtils.initAttrs class SkypeUser(SkypeObj): """ A user on Skype -- the current one, a contact, or someone else. Properties differ slightly between the current user and others. Only public properties are available here. Searches different possible attributes for each property. Also deconstructs a merged first name field. Attributes: id (str): Username of the user. name (:class:`Name`): Representation of the user's name. location (:class:`Location`): Geographical information provided by the user. language (str): Two-letter language code as specified by the user. avatar (str): URL to retrieve the user's profile picture. mood (:class:`Mood`): Mood message set by the user. chat (:class:`.SkypeSingleChat`): One-to-one conversation with this user. """
[docs] @SkypeUtils.initAttrs @SkypeUtils.truthyAttrs class Name(SkypeObj): """ The name of a user or contact. Attributes: first (str): First and middle names of the user. last (str): Surname of the user. """ attrs = ("first", "last") def __str__(self): return " ".join(filter(None, (self.first, self.last)))
[docs] @SkypeUtils.initAttrs @SkypeUtils.truthyAttrs class Location(SkypeObj): """ The location of a user or contact. Any number of fields may be filled in, so stringifying will combine them into a comma-separated list. Attributes: city (str): Town or city where the user is located. region (str): State or region where they are located. country (str): Two-letter country code for their location. """ attrs = ("city", "region", "country") def __str__(self): return ", ".join(filter(None, (, self.region,
[docs] @SkypeUtils.initAttrs class Mood(SkypeObj): """ The mood message set by a user or contact. Attributes: plain (str): Plain text representation of a user's mood. rich (str): Mood message with original formatting. """ attrs = ("plain", "rich") def __str__(self): return self.plain or or ""
attrs = ("id", "name", "location", "language", "avatar", "mood") defaults = dict(name=Name(), location=Location())
[docs] @classmethod def rawToFields(cls, raw={}): id = SkypeUtils.noPrefix(raw.get("id", raw.get("mri", raw.get("skypeId", raw.get("username"))))) name = raw.get("name") if isinstance(name, str): # Unified name provided by directory. firstName = name lastName = None elif isinstance(name, dict): # Name object from contact APIs. firstName = name.get("first") lastName = name.get("last", name.get("surname")) else: # Individual first/last name keys. firstName = raw.get("firstname") lastName = raw.get("lastname") # Some clients stores the whole name in the user's first name field. if not lastName and firstName and " " in firstName: firstName, lastName = firstName.rsplit(" ", 1) name = SkypeUser.Name(first=firstName, last=lastName) if "locations" in raw: locParts = raw.get("locations")[0] else: locParts = {"city": raw.get("city"), "region": raw.get("province", raw.get("state")), "country": raw.get("countryCode", raw.get("country"))} location = SkypeUser.Location(city=locParts.get("city"), region=locParts.get("region"), country=((locParts.get("country") or "").upper() or None)) language = (raw.get("language") or "").upper() or None avatar = raw.get("avatar_url", raw.get("avatarUrl")) mood = None if raw.get("mood", raw.get("richMood")): mood = SkypeUser.Mood(plain=raw.get("mood"), rich=raw.get("richMood")) return {"id": id, "name": name, "location": location, "language": language, "avatar": avatar, "mood": mood}
@property @SkypeUtils.cacheResult def chat(self): prefix = "28" if isinstance(self, SkypeBotUser) else "8" try: return["{0}:{1}".format(prefix,] except SkypeApiException: # Maybe a conversation doesn't exist yet, return a disconnected one instead. return SkypeSingleChat(, id="{}:{}".format(prefix,, alerts=True,
[docs] def invite(self, greeting=None): """ Send the user a contact request. Args: greeting (str): custom message to include with the request """ if not greeting: greeting = "Hi, {0}, I'd like to add you as a contact.".format( prefix = "28" if isinstance(self, SkypeBotUser) else "8""POST", "{0}/users/{1}/contacts".format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken, json={"mri": "{0}:{1}".format(prefix,, "greeting": greeting})
[docs] def block(self, report=False): """ Block the user from all communication. Args: report (bool): whether to report this user to Skype """ prefix = "28" if isinstance(self, SkypeBotUser) else "8""PUT", "{0}/users/{1}/contacts/blocklist/{2}:{3}" .format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,, prefix,, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken, json={"report_abuse": report, "ui_version": ""}) self.blocked = True
[docs] def unblock(self): """ Unblock a previously blocked user. """ prefix = "28" if isinstance(self, SkypeBotUser) else "8""DELETE", "{0}/users/{1}/contacts/blocklist/{2}:{3}" .format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,, prefix,, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken) self.blocked = False
[docs]@SkypeUtils.initAttrs class SkypeContact(SkypeUser): """ A user on Skype that the logged-in account is a contact of. Allows access to contacts-only properties. Attributes: phones (:class:`Phone` list): Any phone numbers defined for the user. birthday (datetime.datetime): Date of birth of the user. authorised (bool): Whether the user has accepted an invite to become a contact. blocked (bool): Whether the logged-in account has blocked this user. favourite (bool): Whether the contact is marked as a favourite by the logged-in user. """
[docs] @SkypeUtils.initAttrs class Phone(SkypeObj): """ The phone number of a contact. """ Type = SkypeEnum("SkypeContact.Phone.Type", ("Home", "Work", "Mobile")) """ :class:`.SkypeEnum`: Types of phone number. Attributes: Type.Home: A home phone number. Type.Work: An office or work phone number. Type.Mobile: A mobile phone number. """ attrs = ("type", "number") def __str__(self): return self.number or ""
attrs = SkypeUser.attrs + ("phones", "birthday", "authorised", "blocked", "favourite") defaults = dict(SkypeUser.defaults, phones=[])
[docs] @classmethod def rawToFields(cls, raw={}): fields = super(SkypeContact, cls).rawToFields(raw) phonesMap = {"Home": SkypeContact.Phone.Type.Home, "Office": SkypeContact.Phone.Type.Work, "Mobile": SkypeContact.Phone.Type.Mobile} phonesParts = raw.get("phones", []) for k in phonesMap: if raw.get("phone" + k): phonesParts.append({"type": phonesMap[k], "number": raw.get("phone" + k)}) phones = [SkypeContact.Phone(type=p["type"], number=p["number"]) for p in phonesParts] try: birthday = datetime.strptime(raw.get("birthday") or "", "%Y-%m-%d").date() except ValueError: birthday = None fields.update({"phones": phones, "birthday": birthday, "authorised": raw.get("authorized"), "blocked": raw.get("blocked"), "favourite": raw.get("favorite")}) return fields
[docs] @classmethod def fromRaw(cls, skype=None, raw={}): usrCls = SkypeBotUser if raw.get("type") == "agent" else cls return usrCls(skype, raw, **usrCls.rawToFields(raw))
[docs] def delete(self): """ Remove the user from your contacts. """"DELETE", "{0}/users/{1}/contacts/8:{2}" .format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,,, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken)"DELETE", "{0}/users/ME/contacts/8:{1}".format(,, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.RegToken)
[docs]@SkypeUtils.initAttrs class SkypeBotUser(SkypeUser): """ A server-side bot account. In most cases, they act like a normal user -- they can be added as contacts, interacted with in one-to-one conversations, or invited to groups if the bot supports it. Attributes: name (str): Display name of the bot. developer (str): Display name of the bot's developer. trusted (bool): Whether the bot is official and provided by Skype or Microsoft. locales (str list): Country-language codes supported by the bot. rating (float): User-provided rating of the bot. description (str): Information about what the bot does. extra (str): Footer info, such as hyperlinks to privacy and terms. siteUrl (str): URL for the bot's website. termsUrl (str): URL for the bot's terms of service. privacyUrl (str): URL for the bot's privacy policy. """ attrs = SkypeUser.attrs + ("developer", "trusted", "locales", "rating", "description", "extra", "siteUrl", "termsUrl", "privacyUrl") defaults = {"name": None, "location": None}
[docs] @classmethod def rawToFields(cls, raw={}): # Bot users don't really share any common fields with normal users, but we still want a subclass. return {"id": raw.get("agentId", raw.get("id")), "name": raw.get("displayName", raw.get("display_name", raw.get("name", {}).get("first"))), "location": None, "avatar": raw.get("userTileStaticUrl", raw.get("userTileExtraLargeUrl", raw.get("avatar_url"))), "mood": None, "developer": raw.get("developer", raw.get("name", {}).get("company")), "trusted": raw.get("isTrusted"), "locales": raw.get("supportedLocales"), "rating": raw.get("starRating"), "description": raw.get("description"), "extra": raw.get("extra"), "siteUrl": raw.get("webpage"), "termsUrl": raw.get("tos"), "privacyUrl": raw.get("privacyStatement")}
@property @SkypeUtils.cacheResult def chat(self): return["28:" +]
[docs]class SkypeContacts(SkypeObjs): """ A container of contacts, providing caching of user info to reduce API requests. There are multiple ways to look up users in Skype: - Requesting the whole contact list -- includes most fields, as well as authorisation status. - Requesting a single contact (:meth:`contact`) -- returns all public and contact-private info. - Requesting a single user (:meth:`user`) -- only provides public information, but works with any user. - Searching the Skype directory (:meth:`search`) -- returns a collection of search results. When using key lookups, it checks the contact list first, with a user fallback for non-contacts. Contacts can also be iterated over, where only authorised users are returned in the collection. Attributes: groups (dict): Set of :class:`SkypeContactGroup` instances, keyed by group name. blocked (SkypeContactGroup): Group of users blocked from all communication. """ def __init__(self, skype=None): super(SkypeContacts, self).__init__(skype) self.contactIds = [] self.groups = {} def __getitem__(self, key): # Try to retrieve from the cache, otherwise return a user object instead. try: return super(SkypeContacts, self).__getitem__(key) except KeyError: return if key == else self.user(key) def __iter__(self): if not self.synced: self.sync() # Only iterate over actual contacts, not all cached users. for id in sorted(self.contactIds): yield self.cache[id] def __len__(self): if not self.synced: self.sync() return len(self.contactIds)
[docs] def sync(self): resp ="GET", "{0}/users/{1}".format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,, params={"delta": "", "reason": "default"}, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken).json() for json in resp.get("contacts", []): # Merge nested profile key into self. json.update(json.get("profile", {})) # Favourite property only exists if true, else default it to false (doesn't appear in other API requests). json["favorite"] = json.get("favorite", False) contact = SkypeContact.fromRaw(, json) self.merge(contact) if not json.get("suggested"): self.contactIds.append( for json in resp.get("groups", []): self.groups[json.get("name", json.get("id"))] = SkypeContactGroup.fromRaw(, json) blocked = resp.get("blocklist", []) self.blocked = SkypeContactGroup(, blocked, userIds=[block.get("mri") for block in blocked]) super(SkypeContacts, self).sync()
[docs] def contact(self, id): """ Retrieve all details for a specific contact, including fields such as birthday and mood. Args: id (str): user identifier to lookup Returns: SkypeContact: resulting contact object """ try: json ="POST", "{0}/users/batch/profiles".format(SkypeConnection.API_USER), json={"usernames": [id]}, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken).json() contact = SkypeContact.fromRaw(, json[0]) if not in self.contactIds: self.contactIds.append( return self.merge(contact) except SkypeApiException as e: if len(e.args) >= 2 and getattr(e.args[1], "status_code", None) == 403: # Not a contact, so no permission to retrieve information. return None raise
[docs] def user(self, id): """ Retrieve public information about a user. Args: id (str): user identifier to lookup Returns: SkypeUser: resulting user object """ json ="POST", "{0}/batch/profiles".format(SkypeConnection.API_PROFILE), auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken, json={"usernames": [id]}).json() if json and "status" not in json[0]: return self.merge(SkypeUser.fromRaw(, json[0])) else: return None
[docs] @SkypeUtils.cacheResult def bots(self): """ Retrieve a list of all known bots. Returns: SkypeBotUser list: resulting bot user objects """ json ="GET", "{0}/agents".format(SkypeConnection.API_BOT), auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken).json().get("agentDescriptions", []) return [self.merge(SkypeBotUser.fromRaw(, raw)) for raw in json]
[docs] def bot(self, id): """ Retrieve a single bot. Args: id (str): UUID or username of the bot Returns: SkypeBotUser: resulting bot user object """ json ="GET", "{0}/agents".format(SkypeConnection.API_BOT), params={"agentId": id}, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken).json().get("agentDescriptions", []) return self.merge(SkypeBotUser.fromRaw(, json[0])) if json else None
[docs] @SkypeUtils.cacheResult def search(self, query): """ Search the Skype Directory for a user. Args: query (str): name to search for Returns: SkypeUser list: collection of possible results """ results ="GET", SkypeConnection.API_DIRECTORY, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken, params={"searchstring": query, "requestId": "0"}).json().get("results", []) return [SkypeUser.fromRaw(, json.get("nodeProfileData", {})) for json in results]
[docs] def requests(self): """ Retrieve any pending contact requests. Returns: :class:`SkypeRequest` list: collection of requests """ requests = [] for json in"GET", "{0}/users/{1}/invites" .format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken).json().get("invite_list", []): for invite in json.get("invites", []): # Copy user identifier to each invite message. invite["userId"] = SkypeUtils.noPrefix(json.get("mri")) requests.append(SkypeRequest.fromRaw(, invite)) return requests
[docs]@SkypeUtils.initAttrs @SkypeUtils.convertIds("users") class SkypeContactGroup(SkypeObj): """ A user-defined collection of contacts. Currently read-only in the API. Attributes: id (str): Unique identifier for this group. name (str): Display name as set by the user. contacts (:class:`SkypeContact` list): Contacts added to this group. """ attrs = ("id", "name", "userIds")
[docs] @classmethod def rawToFields(cls, raw={}): return {"id": raw.get("id"), "name": raw.get("name"), "userIds": [SkypeUtils.noPrefix(id) for id in raw.get("contacts", [])]}
[docs]@SkypeUtils.initAttrs @SkypeUtils.convertIds("user") class SkypeRequest(SkypeObj): """ A contact request. Use :meth:`accept` or :meth:`reject` to act on it. Attributes: user (:class:`SkypeUser`): User that initiated the request. greeting (str): Custom message included with the request. time (datetime.datetime): Time and date when the invite was sent. """ attrs = ("userId", "greeting", "time")
[docs] @classmethod def rawToFields(cls, raw={}): return {"userId": raw.get("userId"), "greeting": raw.get("message"), "time": datetime.strptime(raw.get("time", ""), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")}
[docs] def accept(self): """ Accept the contact request, and add the user to the contact list. """"PUT", "{0}/users/{1}/invites/8:{2}/accept" .format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,, self.userId), auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken)"PUT", "{0}/users/ME/contacts/8:{1}".format(, self.userId), auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.RegToken)
[docs] def reject(self): """ Decline the contact request. """"PUT", "{0}/users/{1}/invites/8:{2}/decline" .format(SkypeConnection.API_CONTACTS,, self.userId), auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.SkypeToken)