from datetime import datetime
from .core import SkypeObj
from .util import SkypeUtils
from .conn import SkypeConnection
from .msg import SkypeMsg
class SkypeEvent(SkypeObj):
The base Skype event. Pulls out common identifier, time and type parameters.
id (int):
Unique identifier of the event, usually starting from ``1000``.
type (str):
Raw message type, as specified by the Skype API.
time (datetime.datetime):
Time at which the event occurred.
attrs = ("id", "type", "time")
[docs] @classmethod
def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
evtTime = datetime.strptime(raw.get("time", ""), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
except ValueError:
evtTime =
return {"id": raw.get("id"),
"type": raw.get("resourceType"),
"time": evtTime}
[docs] @classmethod
def fromRaw(cls, skype=None, raw={}):
res = raw.get("resource", {})
resType = raw.get("resourceType")
evtCls = {"UserPresence": SkypePresenceEvent,
"EndpointPresence": SkypeEndpointEvent,
"NewMessage": SkypeMessageEvent,
"ConversationUpdate": SkypeChatUpdateEvent,
"ThreadUpdate": SkypeChatMemberEvent}.get(resType, cls)
if evtCls is SkypeMessageEvent:
msgType = res.get("messagetype")
if msgType in ("Text", "RichText", "RichText/Contacts", "RichText/Media_GenericFile", "RichText/UriObject"):
evtCls = SkypeEditMessageEvent if res.get("skypeeditedid") else SkypeNewMessageEvent
elif msgType in ("Control/Typing", "Control/ClearTyping"):
evtCls = SkypeTypingEvent
elif msgType == "Event/Call":
evtCls = SkypeCallEvent
return evtCls(skype, raw, **evtCls.rawToFields(raw))
[docs] def ack(self):
Acknowledge receipt of an event, if a response is required.
url = self.raw.get("resource", {}).get("ackrequired")
if url:"POST", url, auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.RegToken)
class SkypePresenceEvent(SkypeEvent):
An event for contacts changing status or presence.
user (:class:`.SkypeUser`):
User whose presence changed.
online (bool):
Whether the user is now connected.
status (:class:`.Status`):
Chosen availability status.
capabilities (str list):
Features currently available from this user, across all endpoints.
attrs = SkypeEvent.attrs + ("userId", "online", "status", "capabilities")
[docs] @classmethod
def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
fields = super(SkypePresenceEvent, cls).rawToFields(raw)
res = raw.get("resource", {})
fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.userToId(res.get("selfLink")),
"online": res.get("availability") == "Online",
"status": getattr(SkypeUtils.Status, res.get("status")),
"capabilities": list(filter(None, res.get("capabilities", "").split(" | ")))})
return fields
class SkypeEndpointEvent(SkypeEvent):
An event for changes to individual contact endpoints.
user (:class:`.SkypeUser`):
User whose endpoint emitted an event.
name (str):
Name of the device connected with this endpoint.
capabilities (str list):
Features available on the device.
type (str):
Numeric type of client that the device identifies as.
version (str):
Software version of the client.
attrs = SkypeEvent.attrs + ("userId", "name", "capabilities", "type", "version")
[docs] @classmethod
def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
fields = super(SkypeEndpointEvent, cls).rawToFields(raw)
res = raw.get("resource", {})
public = res.get("publicInfo", {})
fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.userToId(res.get("selfLink")),
"name": res.get("privateInfo", {}).get("epname"),
"capabilities": list(filter(None, public.get("capabilities", "").split(" | "))),
"type": public.get("typ"),
"version": public.get("skypeNameVersion")})
return fields
@SkypeUtils.convertIds("user", "chat")
class SkypeTypingEvent(SkypeEvent):
An event for users starting or stopping typing in a conversation.
user (:class:`.SkypeUser`):
User whose typing status changed.
chat (:class:`.SkypeChat`):
Conversation where the user was seen typing.
active (bool):
Whether the user has just started typing.
attrs = SkypeEvent.attrs + ("userId", "chatId", "active")
[docs] @classmethod
def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
fields = super(SkypeTypingEvent, cls).rawToFields(raw)
res = raw.get("resource", {})
fields.update({"userId": SkypeUtils.userToId(res.get("from", "")),
"chatId": SkypeUtils.chatToId(res.get("conversationLink", "")),
"active": (res.get("messagetype") == "Control/Typing")})
return fields
class SkypeMessageEvent(SkypeEvent):
The base message event, when a message is received in a conversation.
msg (:class:`.SkypeMsg`):
Message received in the conversation.
attrs = SkypeEvent.attrs + ("msgId",)
[docs] @classmethod
def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
fields = super(SkypeMessageEvent, cls).rawToFields(raw)
res = raw.get("resource", {})
fields["msgId"] = int(res.get("id")) if "id" in res else None
return fields
def msg(self):
return SkypeMsg.fromRaw(, self.raw.get("resource", {}))
class SkypeNewMessageEvent(SkypeMessageEvent):
An event for a new message being received in a conversation.
class SkypeEditMessageEvent(SkypeMessageEvent):
An event for the update of an existing message in a conversation.
class SkypeCallEvent(SkypeMessageEvent):
An event for incoming or missed Skype calls.
class SkypeChatUpdateEvent(SkypeEvent):
An event triggered by various conversation changes or messages.
chat (:class:`.SkypeChat`):
Conversation that emitted an update.
horizon (str):
Updated horizon string, in the form ``<id>,<timestamp>,<id>``.
attrs = SkypeEvent.attrs + ("chatId", "horizon")
[docs] @classmethod
def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
fields = super(SkypeChatUpdateEvent, cls).rawToFields(raw)
res = raw.get("resource", {})
fields.update({"chatId": res.get("id"),
"horizon": res.get("properties", {}).get("consumptionhorizon")})
return fields
[docs] def consume(self):
Use the consumption horizon to mark the conversation as up-to-date.
""""PUT", "{0}/users/ME/conversations/{1}/properties"
.format(, self.chatId),
auth=SkypeConnection.Auth.RegToken, params={"name": "consumptionhorizon"},
json={"consumptionhorizon": self.horizon})
@SkypeUtils.convertIds("users", "chat")
class SkypeChatMemberEvent(SkypeEvent):
An event triggered when someone is added to or removed from a conversation.
users (:class:`.SkypeUser` list):
List of users affected by the update.
chat (:class:`.SkypeChat`):
Conversation where the change occurred.
attrs = SkypeEvent.attrs + ("userIds", "chatId")
[docs] @classmethod
def rawToFields(cls, raw={}):
fields = super(SkypeChatMemberEvent, cls).rawToFields(raw)
res = raw.get("resource", {})
fields.update({"userIds": filter(None, [SkypeUtils.noPrefix(m.get("id")) for m in res.get("members")]),
"chatId": res.get("id")})
return fields