Terminology =========== For internal consistency, this documentation uses some sample data, and unofficial names for certain features of the protocol. Definitions ----------- Connected account user currently authenticated to the API User identifier user's Skype username, e.g. ``fred.2`` Prefix conversation type: | ``1`` = Messenger user | ``2`` = Skype for Business user | ``8`` = Skype user | ``19`` = group | ``28`` = agent/bot account (e.g. ``28:concierge``) Chat identifier unique chat name, e.g. ``a1b2c3d4...@thread.skype`` or a user identifier Thread identifier combination of prefix and user/chat identifier, e.g. ``8:fred.2``, ``19:a1b2c3d4...@thread.skype`` Blob old-style group chat identifier (and only identifier for P2P chats) Sample users ------------ The following users are mentioned: - **Fred Adams**, ``fred.2`` -- the authenticated user - **Joe Bloggs**, ``joe.4`` -- a contact of Fred's - **Anna Cooper**, ``anna.7`` -- not a contact of Fred's - **Daisy Dean**, ``daisy.5`` -- another contact of Fred's