Credentials =========== Skype for Web makes use of two types of credential: a Skype token (obtained through an authentication flow in exchange for a username and password) used by most of the meta endpoints, and a registration token (obtained using the Skype token) specifically for messaging interactions. Unless otherwise noted, authentication is handled as follows: - APIs on ```` (or an alternative subdomain, see :ref:`Registration token`) require registration token authentication using the ``RegistrationToken`` header. - APIs on ```` take an ``Authorization`` header of the form ``skype_token ``. - All other APIs take an ``X-SkypeToken`` header set to the Skype token. Some of the known response codes related to authentication: - HTTP 429, error code 803: auth rate limit exceeded (-5 minute cooldown) - HTTP 404, error code 729: no endpoint created (need to refresh registration token) Skype token ----------- Live authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authentication with either a Skype username or a Microsoft account requires calling out to the MS OAuth page, and retrieving the Skype token. .. http:get:: This will redirect to ````. Collect the value of the hidden field named ``PPFT``. :query client_id: ``578134`` :query redirect_uri: ```` :resheader Cookie: contains ``MSPRequ`` and ``MSPOK``, both required for the next step .. http:post:: If all is well, a hidden field with identifier ``t`` will contain a token for the last step. :query wa: ``wsignin1.0`` :query wp: ``MBI_SSL`` :query wreply: ```` :reqheader Set-Cookie: include ``MSPRequ`` and ``MSPOK`` as obtained earlier, and ``CkTst`` with a timestamp in the standard format :form login: Skype username or Microsoft account email address :form passwd: corresponding account password :form PPFT: as obtained from the hidden field .. http:post:: The Skype token and expiry can be retrieved in the same fields as with a username/password login. :query client_id: ``578134`` :query redirect_uri: ```` :form client_id: ``578134`` :form redirect_uri: ```` :form oauthPartner: ``999`` :form site_name: ```` :form t: as obtained earlier SOAP authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authentication with a Microsoft account email address and password (or application-specific token), using an endpoint to obtain a security token, and exchanging that for a Skype token, .. http:post:: This is an XML endpoint that will exchange a Microsoft account email address and password for a security token. Request body: .. code-block:: xml
... ...
Response body (token under ``BinarySecurityToken``): .. code-block:: xml urn:passport:compact 2021-01-01T12:00:00Z 2021-01-02T12:00:00Z ... .. http:post:: Convert the Microsoft security token into a Skype token. :reqjson partner: ``999`` :reqjson scopes: ``client`` :reqjson access_token: token from above :resjson skypetoken: resulting Skype token :resjson skypeid: username of the authenticated user :resjson signinname: identifier of the linked Microsoft account :resjson expiresIn: number of seconds until the token expires Guest access ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skype also supports the notion of a guest, who can access a conversation from an invite, without a Skype account. A guest account differs from regular accounts in that: - They can only access a single group conversation. - Their username is prefixed with ``guest:``. - They have no profile information, just a display name. - They expire after 24 hours. .. http:get:: :param id: public join URL code :reqheader User-Agent: must be set to that of a supported device, e.g. Chrome :resheader Set-Cookie: CSRF token in ``csrf_token``, request identifier in ``launcher_session_id`` .. http:post:: :reqheader csrf_token: as above :reqheader X-Skype-Request-Id: session identifier from above :reqjson flowId: session identifier from above :reqjson shortId: public join URL code :reqjson longId: identifier retrieved from URL lookup :reqjson threadId: chat identifier (````) :reqjson name: guest display name :resheader Set-Cookie: token cookie named ``guest_token_`` containing the new token Registration token ------------------ .. http:post:: .. note:: A JSON object must be provided in the body of the request, even if empty. The non-standard header ``LockAndKey`` is required, and has the following format::; time=; lockAndKeyResponse=... Here, ``time`` is a UNIX timestamp in the same format as before. The actual response must be generated through some Skype-specific crypto -- see :meth:`skpy.conn.getMac256Hash` for the algorithm. In some cases, a call to this endpoint will return a ``Location`` header pointing to a different subdomain (e.g. ````. In this case, repeat the call using the new URL. You should use this domain in place of the default one for all other gateway calls. :reqheader Authentication: Skype token in the form ``skypetoken=`` :reqheader LockAndKey: key response as above :resheader Location: URL to newly generated endpoint, or to required subdomain :resheader Set-RegistrationToken: token response in the form ``registrationToken=; expires=; endpointId=``