Conversation endpoints ====================== .. http:get:: This returns an array of conversations that the current user has most recently interacted with. The ``lastMessage`` field holds a message object in the same format as retrieved from ``/v1/users/ME/conversations/(id)/messages``. .. note:: This endpoint is :ref:`paginated `. :query startTime: ``0`` :query view: ``msnp24Equivalent`` :query targetType: ``Passport|Skype|Lync|Thread`` .. code-block:: javascript {"_metadata": {"backwardLink": "", "forwardLink": "", "syncState": "", "totalCount": 10}, "conversations": [{"id": "8:joe.4", "lastMessage": {"clientmessageid": "1451606399999", "composetime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "content": "Hi!", "conversationLink": "", "from": "", "id": "1451606400000", "messagetype": "Text", "originalarrivaltime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "type": "Message", "version": "1451606400000"}, "messages": "", "properties": {"clearedat": "1451606400000", "consumptionhorizon": "..."}, "targetLink": "", "type": "Conversation", "version": 1451606400000}, {"id": "", "lastMessage": {"clientmessageid": "1451606399999", "composetime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "content": "A message for the team.", "conversationLink": "", "from": "", "id": "1451606400000", "messagetype": "Text", "originalarrivaltime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "type": "Message", "version": "1451606400000"}, "messages": "", "properties": {"consumptionhorizon": "..."}, "targetLink": "", "threadProperties": {"lastjoinat": "1451606400000", "topic": "Team chat", "version": "1451606400000"}, "type": "Conversation", "version": 1451606400000}, ...]} .. http:get:: Retrieve details about a conversation. :param id: chat thread identifier .. code-block:: javascript {"id": "", "lastMessage": {"clientmessageid": "1451606399999", "composetime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "content": "A message for the team.", "conversationLink": "", "from": "", "id": "1451606400000", "messagetype": "Text", "originalarrivaltime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "type": "Message", "version": "1451606400000"}, "messages": "", "properties": {"consumptionhorizon": "..."}, "targetLink": "", "threadProperties": {"lastjoinat": "1451606400000", "topic": "Team chat", "version": "1451606400000"}, "type": "Conversation", "version": 1451606400000} Group conversations ------------------- .. http:get:: Fetch additional group-specific information, including the members and admins of the chat, topic, and join permissions. :param id: chat thread identifier .. code-block:: javascript {"id": "", "members": [{"capabilities": [], "cid": 0, "friendlyName": "", "id": "8:anna.7", "linkedMri": "", "role": "Admin", "type": "ThreadMember", "userLink": "", "userTile": ""}, {"capabilities": [], "cid": 0, "friendlyName": "", "id": "8:joe.4", "linkedMri": "", "role": "User", "type": "ThreadMember", "userLink": "", "userTile": ""}, ...], "messages": "", "properties": {"capabilities": ["AddMember", "ChangeTopic", "ChangePicture", "EditMsg", "CallP2P", "SendText", "SendSms", "SendFileP2P", "SendContacts", "SendVideoMsg", "SendMediaMsg", "ChangeModerated"], "createdat": "1451606400000", "creator": "8:anna.7", "creatorcid": "0", "historydisclosed": "true", "joiningenabled": "true", "picture": "URL@", "topic": "Team chat"}, "type": "Thread", "version": 1451606400000} .. http:post:: Create a new group conversation. Each member object consists of an ``id`` (user thread identifier), and role (either ``Admin`` or ``User``). :reqjson members: array of member objects :resheader Location: URL for the new conversation .. http:put:: Update properties of a group conversation. Only one property can be set at a time, which should be the value of the ``name`` field, and key for the field holding the new value. :param id: chat thread identifier :reqjson name: name of parameter to be updated (from the rest of this list) :reqjson topic: new conversation topic :reqjson joiningenabled: whether users can join by URL :reqjson historydisclosed: whether newly-joining users can see past message history Join URLs --------- .. http:post:: Retrieve the join URL for a group conversation, if it is currently public. :reqjson baseDomain: ```` :reqjson threadId: chat thread identifier .. code-block:: javascript {"Blob": "AzByCx...XcYbZa", "Id": "Za0Yb1...By2Az3", "JoinUrl": "", "ThreadId": ""} .. http:post:: Convert a join URL into standard identifiers. .. note:: No authentication is required for this endpoint. :reqjson shortId: join identifier from the URL :reqjson type: ``wl`` .. code-block:: javascript {"Action": "Chat", "ChatBlob": "AzByCx...XcYbZa", "FlowId": "1", "Id": "Za0Yb1...By2Az3", "Resource": ""} Messages -------- .. http:get:: Retrieve the most recent messages from the conversation. .. note:: This endpoint is :ref:`paginated `. :param id: chat thread identifier .. code-block:: javascript {"_metadata": {"backwardLink": "", "forwardLink": "", "syncState": "", "totalCount": 10}, "messages": [{"clientmessageid": "1451606399999", "composetime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "content": "A message for the team.", "conversationLink": "", "from": "", "id": "1451606400000", "messagetype": "Text", "originalarrivaltime": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "type": "Message", "version": "1451606400000"}, ...]} .. http:post:: Send a message to the conversation. There are several additional parameters that can be passed in for different message types. :param id: chat thread identifier :reqjson contenttype: ``text`` :reqjson messagetype: base message type :reqjson content: raw content for the message .. code-block:: javascript {"OriginalArrivalTime": 1451606400000} .. http:delete:: Delete all message history for this client. :param id: chat thread identifier Message types ------------- - ``Text``: A plain text message. - ``RichText``: A text message with rich formatting. - ``RichText/Contacts``: A message containing an embedded contact. .. code-block:: html - ``RichText/Location``: A message containing the user's location. .. code-block:: html Unknown address - ``RichText/Media_GenericFile``: A message representing a shared file. .. code-block:: html Title: file.txt Description: file.txt - ``RichText/UriObject``: A shared image file. .. code-block:: html <Description/> <OriginalName v="photo.jpg"/> <a href=""></a> <meta type="photo" originalName="photo.jpg"/> </URIObject> - ``RichText/Files``: Multiple file attachments in one message. .. code-block:: html <files alt="sent files "file1.txt", "file2.txt""> <file size="84" index="0" tid="1000000000">file1.txt</file> <file size="105" index="1" tid="2000000000">file2.txt</file> </files> - ``Control/Typing``, ``Control/ClearTyping``: A user starts or stops typing in a conversation. - ``Event/Call``: Call-related notifications. .. code-block:: html <partlist type="started" alt=""> <part identity="joe.4"><name>Joe Bloggs</name></part> </partlist> - ``ThreadActivity/TopicUpdate``: A group conversation topic change. .. code-block:: html <topicupdate> <eventtime>1451606400000</eventtime> <initiator>8:joe.4</initiator> <value>Team chat</value> </topicupdate> - ``ThreadActivity/JoiningEnabledUpdate``: A change to joining a group conversation by link. .. code-block:: html <joiningenabledupdate> <eventtime>1451606400000</eventtime> <initiator>8:anna.7</initiator> <value>true</value> </joiningenabledupdate> - ``ThreadActivity/HistoryDisclosedUpdate``: A group conversation topic change. .. code-block:: html <historydisclosedupdate> <eventtime>1451606400000</eventtime> <initiator>8:joe.4</initiator> <value>false</value> </historydisclosedupdate> - ``ThreadActivity/AddMember``: A user was added to the group conversation. .. code-block:: html <addmember> <eventtime>1451606400000</eventtime> <initiator>8:anna.7</initiator> <target>8:joe.4</target> </addmember> - ``ThreadActivity/RoleUpdate``: A user's admin status was changed. .. code-block:: html <roleupdate> <eventtime>1451606400000</eventtime> <initiator>8:anna.7</initiator> <target><id>8:joe.4</id><role>admin</role></target> </roleupdate> - ``ThreadActivity/DeleteMember``: A user was removed from the group conversation. .. code-block:: html <deletemember> <eventtime>1451606400000</eventtime> <initiator>8:anna.7</initiator> <target>8:joe.4</target> </deletemember> Message formatting ------------------ Different clients seem to support varying amounts of HTML formatting tags, as shown in this compatibility table: ===================================================== ====== ======= === ======= Code Web Windows Mac Android ===================================================== ====== ======= === ======= ``<b>Bold</b>`` ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ``<i>Italic</i>`` ✔ [1]_ ✔ ✔ ✔ ``<u>Underline</u>`` ✔ ``<s>Strikethrough</s>`` ✔ [1]_ ✔ ✔ ✔ ``<font color="#ff0000">Colour</font>`` ✔ ✔ ✔ ``<font size="24">Size</font>`` ✔ ``<blink>Blink</blink>`` ✔ ``<center>Centre</center>`` ✔ ✔ ``<a href=""></a>`` ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ``<a href="">Custom link</a>`` [2]_ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ``<pre>Preformatted</pre>`` ✔ [1]_ ✔ ✔ ✔ ===================================================== ====== ======= === ======= .. [1] Only works if the correct ``raw_pre`` and ``raw_post`` attributes are specified. .. [2] Skype may block sending the message at server level (error message "Failure due to: BlockedContent") if it impersonates another link, e.g. ``<a href=""></a>``.